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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Adobe Illustrator CS5 2011

Adobe Illustrator CS5 ESD 2011 (MULTi7/ISO) | 2.75 GB

Creation of expression vector illustrations for any project. Specialists in design around the world choose Adobe ® Illustrator ® CS5 for exceptional accuracy and functionality of advanced tools for drawing, expressive and vibrant brush, a large set of tools that allows you to save time, as well as integration with online services Adobe CS Live **. In For a limited time period services are provided free of charge CS Live
This is the original, authentic spas are Electronic Software Delivery (ESD) distribution, distributed with Adobes servers, both among themselves and among the buyers want to see the companys products.

Key features:
Sophisticated vector drawing controls
Creation of expressive design with precision tools for creating shapes, custom brushes and natural Advanced path controls.
Gradients and transparency - Improved
Working with gradients of on-site management and transparency of the individual colors and transitions in gradients.
Professional Stroke - NEW!
Full control over the strokes of variable width, direction arrows, dotted lines and scaling brushes along the trajectory.
-Panel appearance editing
Edit object characteristics directly in the panel "Design". This eliminates the need to open the palette associated with the fill, stroke, and effects.
Adobe CS Review - New!
Organization of sessions online review for customers located in the next office or on the other side of the globe, thanks to integration with Adobe CS Review, one of the new online services CS Live **. For a limited period of time CS Live services are provided free of charge.
Support for graphics file formats industrial standard
Works with virtually all graphic file formats, including PDF, EPS, FXG, Photoshop (PSD), TIFF, GIF, JPEG, SWF, SVG, DWG, DXF, etc.
Tools for creating Adobe PDF files
Create secure multi-page PDF files with the expressive graphics and preserving the layers of Illustrator ®. Transferring files by any service providers, including with support for PDF / X.
Advanced typography
Expressive text solutions for any media with professional management tools paragraph and character styles, font support OpenType ®, transparency effects, etc.
Drawing in perspective - New!
Using the perspective grid to create the exact figures and scenes in the 1 -, 2 - or 3-point linear perspective.
Improved mounting area - Improved
Ability to create up to 100 assembly areas of different sizes in the same file - and the management of their names, location and view modes.
Improved drawing tools - New!
Draw the objects regardless of the order of their placement. Create or insert images inside the objects and setting the clipping masks.
Integration with other Adobe design applications
Using files from other professional design applications, Adobe, and exceptional ease of creating graphics for use in various environments.
Clarity of the contours in the projects for Web applications and mobile devices - NEW!
Creating vector objects, which are located exactly on the pixel grid, for the preparation of bitmap images with distinct edges of the contours.

Download from:
Wupload Part 1
Wupload Part 2
Wupload Part 3
Wupload Part 4
Wupload Part 5
Wupload Part 6

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