eScanInternet Security Suite - a complete solution for protection againstmalicious software, network attacks, spam e-mail, malicious or unwantedWEB resources designed for users seeking advanced functionality toprotect against todays threats, complete with enhanced parentalcontrols and protection of privacy. The protection mechanism eScanantivirus products based on unique MWL - which is on the Winsock leveland the operating system checks all incoming and outgoing Internettraffic for security threats.
Product features:
- Block viruses from running the network and removable computer viruses;
- Powerful proactive protection, robust client firewall;
- E-mail protection from viruses and spam;
- Low system requirements for computer resources;
- Management of removable media;
- Ability to block applications;
- Parental control Internet access;
- Privacy and keyboard;
- Built-in support mode ONLINE;
- Ability to restore default Windows.
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