Remove all tracks of your web surfing and computer activities completely! Your computer tracks all your activities while you are working on the computer or surfing the Internet. So anyone who can access your computer is able to obtain your web surfing history, what videos you've seen, what files you've downloaded, what documents and files you've just opened and more. Easily and completely clear the stored information so the next person using your computer will never know your computer activities.
Use Real Clear History to completely remove all traces of numbers of programs: wipe your browsing history, cache (temporary files), cookies, and stored passwords; empty your recycle bin, clear your clipboard content, clean your history of run programs, recently opened files, and much more. It supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Windows Media Player, Yahoo, MSN, Google, etc.
- Remove all traces of web surfing and computer use
- Wipe stored web browser data
- Clear all history with a simple click of a button
- Many windows tracks cleaning tools enabled
- Perfect with Real Hide IP
Download: The Stuff
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