FileMakerServer 11 Advanced includes all the features in FileMaker Server 11plus more sharing and connectivity options. Add FileMaker Server 11Advanced to FileMaker Pro and maximize your database sharingcapabilities.
Setup & Administration :
Install FileMaker Server 11 in just 20 minutes or less. Manage your databases remotely and automate administrative tasks.
Reliability & Availability:
Get anytime access to your data with 24/7 availability. Protect your data with scheduled live back-ups.
Manage user access through external authentication via ActiveDirectory/Open Directory. Use SSL encryption for secure data transfer.
Web Publishing:
Create custom, data-driven websites using PHP or XML/XSLT. Use the PHPSite Assistant for step-by-step help in creating PHP websites.
NEW FileMaker Server 11 Advanced does not limit the number of FileMakerPro clients. Connections are limited only by your hardware andoperating system.
Administrator Groups:
NEW CreateAdministrator Groups and assign specific server access privileges whileretaining exclusive control of your databases.
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