This is a Motorola Skin Installer Package which includes:
* Motorola Driver
* P2k commander
* Skins Manager
Method 1:
1) Download P2K Commander (make sure the archive has the p2kdrivers folder). Unzip and run P2KCommander .
2) Point your Device Manager to the p2kdrivers folder and install the Motorola MCU Data logger, etc… devices.
3) If your skin folder has a ‘install_yourskin.p2kc’ file, just click it and P2KCommander will install the skin.
4) If the install.p2kc file is missing read below:
- Open P2KTools
- Plug Your Phone on the Cable
* On E398, V635 I sugest take the TransFlash off
- When the status apear ‘Connected’
- Hit ‘Refresh’ to get the file list.
- Select the folder ‘Skins’
- Right Click on the folder ‘Skins’ Will apear a sub-menu
Select the option ‘Create Folder’
- Put the Name of the Skin, must be the same name of the ‘*.ski’ File!
- Hit ‘Refresh’ to get the new file list.
- Select the new folder that was cereated. (The one that contain the same name of the *.ski)
- Hit ‘Upload’ to upload the skin files to the phone.
- Select all the files with *.DAT and *.Ski Extension
- Hit ‘Open’ to Upload
- Wait a Minute while P2KTools Send the files to your phone.
- Select the folder ‘Picture’
- Hit ‘Upload’
- Select the wallpaper and Screen Saver of the skin
- Hit ‘Open’ to Upload
- Wait a Minute while P2KTools Send the files to your phone.
Done it, restart your phone and check out your new skin..
Method 2:
Utilized Programs: Skins Manager v0.47 (check for the latest version)
Old version: SkinsManager_v0.31 (Mirror 1 | Mirror 2) ; Skins Manager v0.41.05A
You may need RSD Lite (v3.3 latest version) in order for Skins Manager to recognize your phone.
For Connection problems check out this forum [A Guide to Un-Install and Re-Install P2K Drivers]
Once you have found and downloaded a skin that you like, extract it to a new folder. This folder should now contain AT LEAST one .JPG or .GIF file (wallpaper), one .SKI file, and several .DAT files. To explain what those files are:
.SKI File: This file is basically the “skin map”. It contains all of the skin information such as font colors, object references, and object positions.
.DAT Files: These files contain all of the images that make up the skin excluding the wallpaper.
1. Connect the phone to the cable and open Skinmanager: It should auto connect and will say reading files.
2.Once it finished,click Install.
3. Navigate to the skin you want and click Open.
4. The skin will now begin to install. Depending on the size of the skin it could take a minute to install.
5. The program will auto-install the wallpaper as well in the uploading process.
6. Your skin is now installed
7. After everything uploads click Skins, More, Restart phone.
8. Disconnect the phone after restart and enjoy your new skin.
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